Netcall Recognised Among Financial Times Best Employers 2025
Netcall has been named one of the Financial Times Best Employers 2025, ranking 275th out of 500 companies across the UK.
30th of November 2022
Netcall is delighted to announce ATS Euromaster as winner of the 2022 App of the Year for their eCAF App.
Our annual App of the Year Awards shine a spotlight on the finest apps, created by our customers in Liberty Create, our low-code platform. Most importantly, the awards celebrate their impressive efforts to digitally enhance the lives of customers, communities and organisations across the UK.
Established in 1965, ATS Euromaster is a nationwide tyre retailer and comprehensive tyre service provider with over 50 years of experience and a network of 250 Service Centres across the UK.
Working with Velocity IT, a Netcall partner, to build the app, ATS Euromaster has transformed its B2B customer experience. From sign-up and credit checks to welcoming customers as trade-ready, eCAF was built in Liberty Create to effectively manage customer accounts. Using Liberty Create to control flow and Liberty RPA, our robotic process automation tool,to enhance processes, eCAF integrates three previously isolated systems — bringing the customer closer to all five internal departments to offer a streamlined, cost-efficient experience.
“Along with the real efficiency and cost benefits, we’re especially pleased by the professionalism that the Liberty Create eCAF App provides to customers. And we’re inspired by the other incredible ideas out there as we continue our journey with Liberty Create.”
David Robson
IS/IT Director, ATS Euromaster
Hosted on 30 November this year, each finalist presented their app to a live virtual audience in our App of the Year Awards 2022. The finalists were Morning Data Limited – for their EOS Workbench App, Tewkesbury Council – for their Planning Application Tracker App and ATS Euromaster. Awards host Richard Billington is Netcall’s Chief Technology Officer and was part of the judging panel.
“We’re thrilled to showcase such innovative solutions by all three finalists. Each app champions different elements of a successful digital transformation journey – delivering real and lasting improvements for its users. ATS Euromaster’s eCAF app has taken its solution to the next level by using RPA to deliver huge time savings. Offering a broad range of functionality, within a well-presented UI, service delivery teams can harness the power of efficient workflow tracking and automation to give customers a smooth user experience. The awards once again demonstrate the power of Liberty Create as a platform. Solving real business problems, our winner and finalists have shown how imagination, coupled with an innovative tool, can deliver efficiency and results.”
Richard Billington
Chief Technology Officer, Netcall
Netcall has been named one of the Financial Times Best Employers 2025, ranking 275th out of 500 companies across the UK.
Local councils face a financial crisis due to underfunding and rising costs. Discover how automation can revolutionise revenue collection, enhance efficiency, and improve citizen services. Learn how proactive solutions can help councils stay afloat and support communities.
Banks and insurers have heavily digitised customer channels, prioritising front-end services. To meet customer expectations, back-end processes must also be optimised using AI and automation, enhancing efficiency, reducing costs, and improving customer and employee satisfaction.
Netcall is excited to announce our partnership with Analyze Consulting, a leading business management consultancy specialising in strategic advisory, process optimisation and change leadership.
In its third year, the awards offer an opportunity to underline the range outstanding applications built in Liberty Create