Digitally Automate Online Processing of Revenues and Benefits Transactions

Free up skilled resources to focus on what matters and improve citizen engagement. Our digital process automation services transform back-office processing by eliminating errors, reducing cycle times and speeding up responses.

Our Govtech specialists become an extension of your team

Our specialists are a combination of IT and Revenues and Benefits experts from our wholly owned subsidiary, Govtech, who become an extension of your team to provide automation that works for you.

Overcome the backlog

Hit high collection rates and keep on top of increasing volumes by automating time-intensive manual tasks.

Bring money in

Use newly freed-up resources to retrain staff to be collectors, limiting the use of bailiffs and focusing on aged debt.

Eradicate mistakes

Data integrity is engineered throughout. Rule-based checks mean nothing is ever missed, forgotten or duplicated.

Peace of mind

Every claim presented to an assessor is subjected to the same rigorous quality assurance regime, ensuring decisions are made based on accurate information.

Realise the value of automating Revenues and Benefits


reduction in workload


interactions processed per annum


revenue collected per annum


chargeable dwellings managed

Automation that adds real value

Govtech digital process automation services automate and enhance citizen experience throughout local government, which is part of the Liberty platform suite of solutions.

Talk to a specialist today

Realise the value of automating your revenues and benefits function

Meet our customers

Govtech | Wakefield Council | Embracing Digital Change

Wakefield Metropolitan District Council needed to reduce its operating costs and improve service delivery, whilst freeing up staff to focus on debt recovery. Wakefield chose Govtech to help deliver these objectives and the subsequent digital transformation in Revenues & Benefits is still paying dividends.

Working with Govtech was incredibly easy. Govtech understood our questions and issues, which is not always the case with other suppliers. It felt like one project team, and post project launch, they remain incredibly supportive.

Sue Virgin

Revenues Operations Manager, Salford City Council

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