Utilising all appointment slots with a solution that pays for itself
The challenge
‘Did Not Attend’ (DNA) rates are a problem for many hospitals and NHS Trusts. The Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust DNA rate was 7.6% for new patients and 8.9% for follow-ups. The average cost of each DNA was £101.
They had tried text reminders with variable success. An effective appointment reminder solution was urgently needed to manage reminders for 850,000 appointments per year. Primarily, the hospital wanted to ensure that all patients received their required care in a timely manner. But it was also important financially to prevent wasted appointment slots. These slots could be re-utilised for other patients, assisting with both objectives.
A solution which pays for itself
Remind+ is a feature of Liberty Converse, Netcall’s omnichannel contact centre solution.
“We are aiming to obtain a 30% DNA reduction, which will equate to £1 million saving per year for the Trust.”
Paul Harriman
Assistant Director, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
The solution
Remind+ is an automated voice and text message appointment reminder feature. It reminds patients about upcoming appointments and allows them to confirm attendance, cancel or rebook. It works from either landline or mobile phones.
Patient data does not leave the hospital site, so there is no issue with data protection regulations.
Remind+ has a highly configurable architecture built on years of experience, to maximise patient responses.
Specific departments can implement subtle changes to the messaging, generating huge improvements in response rates.
Remind+ gathers information, in real time, about whether the patient intends to attend, re-book or cancel the appointment. This allows Trust to re-book any cancelled appointment times.
This flexible solution works really well across a whole Trust and can have a fantastic impact on reducing hospital DNA rates.
“Like all solutions we have encountered teething problems and have proposed modifications to the core system. Netcall staff responded to these requests and these system changes should help us to further improve our DNA reduction.”
Paul Harriman
Assistant Director, Sheffield Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
The result
The initial six-week trial of Remind+ at Sheffield generated a reduction in the hospital DNA rate of between 20% and 40%
This equates to savings of £460,000 (in the initial six weeks)
During the trial, Remind+ called over 30,000 patients and 4.8% indicated that they would not attend their appointment – this made 1,000+ appointment slots available for re-allocation to other patients
Of the patients who could not attend, 61% wanted to re-book for another time. This response was reported by Remind+ and a staff member called to rearrange their appointment
After five weeks of using Remind+, the solution had already paid for itself
On-going costs are minimal so projections for annual savings show that up to £1 million could be saved every year at Sheffield by reducing the hospital DNA rate with Remind+
achieved in 5 weeks
DNA savings per annum
reduction in DNA rate
Deliver standout self-service
With our contact centre solution, Liberty Converse, you’ve got the tools and AI to deliver standout self-service, omnichannel interactions and customer experience analytics
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