Low-code solution allows customers to exert improved flexibility and control of account balances
The challenge
Nationwide has been on a digital transformation journey for many years, using Liberty Create, our low-code application development software, to build banking apps and systems.
Their SMS messaging service sends customers their current account balance and the last five transactions but Nationwide wanted to enhance the solution, ensuring greater transparency and control of members’ communications, empowering them to personalise alert preferences.
“We believe this is the sort of clear and transparent information that every provider should be giving their customers.”
Richard Marriott
Head of Savings, Nationwide
The solution
Members are notified when transactions take their balance above or below their preferred limit and they have better control of their account balance.
As the application was built in Liberty Create, it was easy to develop and enhance it to enable customers to opt in to additional messages which provide alerts when the balance reaches a certain limit.
As these alert rules are set by the member, they provide flexibility. This also corresponded with changes to banking regulations at the time.
Liberty Create allows integration between low-code and banking systems, including SAP and Unisys banking platforms.
The result
Enhanced automated and ad-hoc member communication with members via text message
Successfully enforced SLAs / guarantees
Able to on-board more members, cost effectively
Streamlined processes and scaled operations
Real-time management information
Improved customer satisfaction
Significant unit cost reduction
Rapid implementation and deployment of project
Hear it for yourself
Giving control to members
The introduction of these enhancements provide Nationwide members with greater flexibility and control of their account balances.
Nationwide has deployed many highly successful systems using Liberty Create, including Social media monitoring, Mortgages, ISAs, Digital banking resilience app, Bereavements and Complaints. By doing so, it has achieved significant efficiency gains and cost savings across a range of operations.
communications with members via text message
management information
Deliver better experiences and streamlined workflow
Give your teams the ability to build game-changing applications themselves – rapidly and with less resource – thanks to low-code development
The West Brom was beginning a digitisation journey to improve the customer experience. The West Brom saw the opportunity to appeal to new markets and demographics by enhancing customer journeys. But they would need to move much faster with development.
Scrutton Bland use Liberty Spark, our business process discovery solution, to support them in helping their clients understand the process mapping process and building a business case.
Nationwide worked with Netcall to develop a platform enabling team members to post and respond to individuals on Twitter and Facebook accounts, using Liberty Create, our low-code platform