
What is Operational Excellence?

Operational excellence is a philosophy that focuses on problem-solving for constant, continuous improvement. We’ve talked about the importance of constant process improvement for your business in the past. It helps you both adjust to changing times and the availability of new tools. You can grow as a business whilst avoiding losing out on more revenue.

How to Fast-Track your Transport East 2050 Projects

Can Transport East’s ambitious participants achieve their 2050 goals in a smarter way? The simple answer is Yes. Business-ready AI and other technologies can help you to accelerate projects, save money and deliver better outcomes.

4 Reasons you Should Use Process Hierarchy When Mapping Processes

Mapping processes is a vital way of keeping your organisation healthy and ahead of the game. The method that you use will make all the difference, changing this from a one-off painful exercise, to a way of working that brings instant and long term benefits for everyone.