
What is a Process Library?  

A business process refers to the series of steps your organisation takes to accomplish a certain goal. When they work well, these actions should reflect the revenue you receive, or your other markers of success. 

Looking for a RACI Alternative? 

Discover how to tackle the vagueness of RACI that so many of us find so confusing and demonstrate easy ways of digesting the information, especially in large and complex documents. If you need a RACI alternative then read on to discover more. 

Digital Inclusion in Social Housing

In today’s increasingly digital world, the importance of digital inclusion cannot be overstated, especially in social housing. With approximately 4 million adults in the UK living offline, the digital divide poses significant challenges for tenants who may struggle to access essential services and community resources.

Process Mapping in the NHS

Discovering the value of process mapping in the NHS is an obvious step for many Trusts looking to address challenges. From improving patient communication and engagement to staff productivity and morale – the drive to spot opportunities for change has never been stronger.